So it is that George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr gathered in Studio 2 of EMI in London to complete the recording of the song. John Lennon was in Denmark at this time, so he didn't join the group for this session. George Martin was present as well as the engineer Phil McDonald (who also worked on "Abbey Road). Glyn Johns was also present but had no role in the actual recording of the song.
It took 16 takes to get the song right with George on acoustic, Paul on bass and Ringo on drums. George also sang a guide vocal during the takes. Take sixteen was used as the basic track.
Overdubs include electric piano and hammond organ being played by Paul, more acoustic and lead guitar by George as well as a new lead vocal (doubled and assisted by Paul in the chorus). There are a few mixes out there besides the official one: two days after the recording Glyn Johns mixed the song in stereo (pre-editing) whereby he used the count-in from a different take and adding some chat at the beginning of the track. Another version includes the count - in and take announcement from the original take 16 - this can be found on the "File Under" Beatles vinyl bootleg or on the CD bootleg "Acetates".
There is also a version of the song for the Apple 3 LP/2 CD "Anthology 3" which uses some dialogue recorded before take 15 from George commenting on the absence of John and the song is remixed bringing down the keyboards and bringing up George's electric guitar. This version is also pre-edit.
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